My Photo Story Project
project # 7 was a labor of love for me. I have been trying to find a
way to thank my family for supporting me while I have been in school. I
made my photo story with the sole purpose of saying "Thank You and I
Love You" to my children and especially my husband who works 40 plus
hours a week and comes home everyday to do even more work so that I can
do my homework. I would be nothing without the love and support of my
family and I certainly would not be able to maintain my GPA if they
did not help me a lot! The technology used to create this project is
Photo Story 3 for Windows. It was fairly easy to use and could be used
in a classroom to document class trips or to document how the students
changed throughout the course of the school year. Please click on the
link below to view my photo story.
Please click on the picture of Daisy to view my photo story!

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