Reflections of EDU 314
The first day I walked into our
computer class I was not sure what to expect. As I sat and listened to
our teacher I began to feel overwhelmed. I have no experience when it
comes to computers. The most I have ever used a computer was to e-mail
friends and family. When I started college in 2004 I had to learn
how to type up papers using a computer but that is it! Now I am sitting
in a computer room with a teacher telling the class that we were going
to learn all this technical stuff and my mind just went numb. Then I
hear my teacher say that we should ask for help as much as we need to
because she knows that we are all learning this for the first time. I
was so relieved to hear this I immediately relaxed a little.We were
encouraged to play around with the computer programs we would be using
and learn what we could about them, so during our next class we could
begin making our first page. When I got home I downloaded the two
programs, Nvu & ws_ftp, onto my laptop so I could work on my projects at my own pace, which is usually very slow on a computer.
Our first assignment was to make a Homepage and a
projects page and then eventually our first comment page for our
e-portfolio. I did not have too much trouble with the homepage except
for linking the picture of myself and my husband. I had a hard time
with remembering all the steps that were required to link not only the
pages together but also the pictures. I went home after our second
class and tried for hours to remember all the steps until finally I was
able to get it all done. Once I was able to get all the steps to the
process down linking pages became easier.
The next big step for me was learning how to publish
my web pages. This was not too hard for me to do. I think the hardest
part about it was remembering to re-publish a page whenever I made a
change to it. Once I remembered to do that every time I was fine.Our
second project was suppose to be a group project, but I ended up doing
it alone. I thought I was a part of a group because I had specifically
asked if I could be in their group. The next time our class met I
was told that they did not know I wanted to be in their group, so I had
to quickly figure something out on my own. I went home and spent hours
retrieving information from our local school so I could put together a
school website of my own. I made my own homepage for the school website
then I went to the real Johnson City School website to see what the
lunch menu looked like. I decided to copy and paste their actual lunch
menu onto my new lunch page. I also copied the table format for the
menu because I was not sure how to do it on Nuv. I think the whole
website turned out pretty good considering I had never done anything
like that before and I did it completely on my own. I was very proud of
The Puzzle Maker project and the Microsoft Project
were very easy for me. I was able to follow along with our Professors
directions for both projects so I did not have to spend a lot of
personal time on these two projects. I did however, go back later in
the semester and redo the Puzzle Maker project because I did not like
how small the words were on my puzzle and I always like to do my
absolute best on a project or homework. I am a member of three
different Honor Societies and I try very hard to get the best grade I
can on everything I do.
The web quest project was an interesting project
because we were doing this for our EDU 374 science class as well as our
EDU 314 computer class. We also worked with the same group of people in
both classes. This web quest is also part of a unit plan we were doing
for our science class. I enjoyed doing the web quest project but there
was a lot of confusion and I think there must be a better way to do it
I'm just not sure what that is right now. Our group did our web quest
on "Deforestation of the Rainforest". It is for a 5th grade class and I
think they should be able to find all the information they need in
order to understand the subject.
I really enjoyed doing the Microsoft Publisher
project. I made a b brochure for my oldest son Donald for part of the
assignment. The other brochure I made was a basic brochure for Math Day
at Parker School. I did not have Microsoft Publisher on my computer at
home so I downloaded it for a 30 day free trial in order to fulfill
this part of our assignment. I love having this program so I think I
might keep it.
The next project was a labor of love. I made a photo
story of my family. Most of the pictures are dated from 2004 to 2008
because that is the time I have been in college. My husband and
children have supported me so much while I have been in school I needed
to do something to say "Thank You"
to all of them. I would not be able to get the good grades I get if
they did not do all the house work and extra things they do for me. Now
I am working on my last project which is writing this reflection and I
have a lot to reflect about.
I know I have learned many new skills because of
this computer class that will help me when I am a teacher. Almost
everything I knew how to do on a computer I had either taught myself or
my oldest daughter had shown me how to do it. I had very basic skills
and that was all. Now I know a few more helpful things that will
enhance my teaching skills, hopefully. I will at least be able to make
a brochure to send home with my students if I am having a special event
at school. I will be able to guided my students through a request or
make a puzzle if I need to fill some time for my students.
There was a day in class when I sat in my chair and
cried because I was so frustrated by the amount of work and how fast we
were receiving instructions I just could not keep up. I even considered
quiting because of the work load at school and all my responsibilities
at home. My husband talked me out of it and I am glad he did. I am
proud of the work I did in this class and I am glad that I didn't give
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