Flag Football

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What is Flag Football?

Not exactly sure what flag football is? No problem, just take a look at the information and watch the video below:

  • Flag football is a version American football. This version of the game is a fairly new invention, being around for less than a century. Despite this, it has gained a significant following and experienced substantial growth worldwide. The sport has a widespread appeal, being played on college campuses and military bases, by men and women, by seniors and children, and during every season of the year.

  • The basic rules of the game are quite similar to those of the mainstream (or "tackle") version of the game, but instead of tackling players to the ground, the defensive team must remove a flag or flag belt from the ball carrier (this is called "deflagging") to end a down. In most organized play, players wear a belt. These belts vary from "Triple Threat" which the entire flag belt is removed, to "Sonic Pop" which only the flag is pulled. The sport has a strong amateur following and several national and international competitions each year sponsored by various associations.

  • Furthermore, there are flag football leagues worldwide. These range from youth leagues to professional leagues.There are also league types such as: collegiate intramural, women's, co-ed, and wheelchair. Due to the sport being non-contact, the number of potential, able, and willing participants is substantially more than that of "tackle" football. Also, the amount and cost of equipment necessary for flag football is considerably lower than it's full contact counterpart.

For even more information on what flag football is, it's history, national rankings, different styles of play, and other information, click here.