

Endangered Animals

Prevent Extinction

Most Threatening Factor

Rain forest Literature

Games and Activities



Our Problem: "Tommy keeps hearing on the news about the destruction of the Rain forests. He is wondering what is happening to the animals and how he can help them."

An ‘endangered species’ is one that is in danger of becoming extinct throughout all or a significant portion of its’ habitat range.

A ‘threatened species’ is one that is likely to become endangered in the future.

        A species is added to the endangered animal list when it is determined to be endangered or threatened because of any of the following factors:

1.       Human activity

2.       The destruction, modification of its’ habitat

3.       Over utilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes

4.       Disease

5.       Gene mutations of animals

6.       Predation

7.       Natural or man-made factors affecting its survival

   A species is listed under one of three categories:

1.       Critically endangered

2.       Endangered

3.       Threatened

  They are placed in the category depending on its status and the degree of threat it faces.