Lesson Plan

Teacher: Colleen Hanville

E-Mail: Chanville1825@yahoo.com

Lesson Title: Ser and Estar

Topic: Differentiating the uses of ser and estar

Language: Spanish

Skills Targeted: Listening, reading, writing, and speaking

Model: PACE

Class Level: Begininng and review for higher levels


  1. Students will listen to a story that uses a variety of ser and estar.
  2. Students will learn which verb to use for different purposes.
  3. Students will use the verbs ser and estar to construct meaningful communication


  1. Story "Historia de mi "
  2. Computer and projection system
  3. Correlating worksheets
  4. Charades cards

Procedures: This contextualized grammar lesson was created using the PACE model (Adair-Hauck & Donato).
Presentation in context:

  1. Begin with students counting how many verbs in English there are for "to be." When response is correct, ask them to count how many or to guess how many there are in Spanish.
  2. Have students conjugate ser and estar in present tense. (for review have students conjugate in present, preterit, imperfect, and future tenses)
  3. When do we use the verbs ser and estar? How do we know what verb to use for different meanings?
  4. Have students read along to the story " " while listening to it.
  5. Go through each sentence and circle ser and or estar.
  6. Why use one or another?

Attention to form:

  1. Give students crossword worksheet.
  2. Students will find each use of ser and estar through the two worksheets.

Co-construction of grammar explanation:

  1. Go through the worksheets, making a list on the board for ser and estar differences.
  2. Go through the story and ask students to tell why the chosen verb was used.
  3. (review) have students indicate which tense is being used. challenge them further by asking why preterit or imperfect is used.

Extension Activity.

  1. Students will get into groups of five. Each group will have a card with either a use for ser or estar. They will act it out (charades) for the other groups. One point to the team who guesses correctly. Each group will go. Depending on time, each member of each team will get up and act out a card.
  2. Have students make up a story using the photograph. They will use ser and or estar as much as they can to describe the animal in the photograph, location, etc.






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