Make Masks And Costumes - Based on a picture of an
endangered species, make a mask or a costume using paper mache, paper bags,
construction paper, or whatever you can find around the house or in the art room
at school. You can even make it a group project or a game at a party. When you
finish, maybe you and your friends can wear your costumes and march in a parade.
Be sure to take photographs.
Make Puppets - Find photographs from magazines or books
of endangered species. From these images, create a puppet that looks like your
favorite endangered animal. You can use socks, buttons, glitter, felt, orange
juice cans, small bowls, plastic and aluminum wrap, glue, thread and needle,
magic markers, pipe cleaners, and other odds and ends to make your puppets. Once
you have made your puppet, you can create a story explaining why the species has
become endangered. Use your local library and the Internet to research why the
species is endangered. Using your puppet, tell your story to an audience.
Make A Storybook - Select a single, or many, endangered
species that interest you. Do research in your local library and on the Internet
to learn more about the species. Determine where they live and why, what they
eat, what eats them, who shares their home, and why they are endangered. Draw
pictures to illustrate your story. Share your storybook with others.
Personal Reading - Read and learn as much about
endangered species as you can. Your local library is probably the best place to
begin. You could look in encyclopedias, reference books, picture books,
storybooks, magazines, and even cd-roms using a computer.
Local Species Research - Research to determine if there
are any endangered species in your hometown. Try to find out what other people
in your community are doing for these species. Perhaps you can interview them
and ask why they are interested, and what they are doing.
Tell Others! - Share your new knowledge with others.
Tell them about endangered species and explain why they are endangered.
Encourage others to learn more about endangered species. Let them know that
together, we can all make a difference.