Project #5: Web Quest Project (Group Project)
For the web quest, my group included Mark, Su, Kristi,
and Lucy. We worked together to create a web quest about endangered
animals. Each of us broke down the pages and created our own web page.
Putting together all of the pages, the web quest created was very well
thought out and exampled the different questions we were presented to
complete. The web quest was designed for children to research and
become knowledgeable about the topic, endangered animals. The site was
to be easily navigated and resourceful.
When creating the web quest, we used Microsoft Word and NVU to create
the web quest. We later used WS_FTP to publish the web pages to the
Internet. We also explored the Internet to obtain good information for
our web quest.
The web quest project is a very good project to facilitate an
understanding for children about a specific topic. Within a classroom,
children are able to explore and surf the different resources to gather
information about a specific topic and all the information is directly
in front of them. The web quest provides an outlet so there is not a
lot of time wasted within a classroom.