Project #6: Microsoft Publisher Project
Microsoft Publisher Project is about developing different types of
products to use that are not just merely text based. Publisher is a
useful device to use in creating decorative peices of literature to
distribute. Publisher allows for easy creation of brochures,
newsletters, greeting cards, among a long list of other documents.
Completeing this project, I used
a variety of tools. First and formost I used Microsoft Publisher. I
also used Microsoft Word, Paint, NVU, and WS_FTP.
I feel this project and knowlegde will be useful for me in the future
because I will be able to create multiple types of documents to use to
instruct, inform, and reward my classroom community.
Click my Math Day brochure for Parker Elementary School!!
This is another cute way to reinforce and encourage
children in a classroom by honoring them with certificates of
recognition! Click them to check it out!!
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