                                                                       INTRODUCTION TO THE PROBLEM
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Global warming is a major threat to our planet. Since the Industrial Revolution, human activities have greatly contributed to global warming. There are several causes Pollution - one of the many causes of global warmingthat have contributed to global warming, and we as human beings have the power to change our ways to stop it. The warming is changing our world's climate and causing several problems to our natural environment. Plants, animals, and even humans can be negatively affected by global warming because of the rising temperatures, ice caps at the polar ends melting, changing weather patterns, and the depletion of the ozone layer. Polar bears are drowning at the poles because of the melting ice caps. There has been an increase in the number of tornados, hurricanes, and typhoons. Some parts of the earth are getting excessive rainfall while others are going through drought. Thousands of people have died because of heat waves while UV rays are becoming an increasingly dangerous problem. All of these things can be contributed to global warming and we need to look source of the problem and figure out how to fight it!
Ice Caps Melting
Image Source #1
Image Source #2

Leading Question: What causes global warming and how can it be slowed?