Are the statements about fictional writing below True or False? Choose the right answers.
1. In fictional writing, most verbs are in the present tense.
True False
2. In fictional writing, we find many action verbs.
True False
3. In fictional writing, it’s important to keep repeating the names of the characters instead of using the pronouns ‘he’,
‘she’, and ‘they.’
True False
4. We can use the had + verb form (e.g., had seen, had worked) and the past tense form (e.g., was, went) to show what
happened first when we write about two things that happened in the past.
True False
5. Quotation marks (“ ”) are used when the narrator himself or herself is telling the story.
True False
6. In fictional writing, we can show the order in which things happened by using “time words or phrases” like ‘then,’
‘after that’, ‘two minutes later’, and ‘that night.’
True False
7. In “Call of the Wild”, the narrator is a ‘first-person narrator’ ( ‘I’ narrator)
True False
Copyright ©
2017 Ismet Cavusoglu
*Questions were adopted from a research by Paulo Quaglio.
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