1. Look at the words highlighted in yellow. What part of speech are they?
2. Look at the words highlighted in green. What part of speech are they?
3. Look at the words higlighted in blue. What part of speech are they?
4. What do the verbs jumped (lines 11, 12, 18), ran (line 15), bit (line 17), attacked (line 18), knocked (line 19), moved
(line 21), bought (lines 43, 46), and threw (line 51) have in common?
They are ...
a) action verbs (like play, give)
b) communication verbs (like call, speak)
c) emotion verbs (like love, hate)
5. In Curly tried to attack the dog who had bitten her (lines 16, 17), what happened first?
a) Curly tried to attack the dog
b) The dog bit Curly
6. In Buck had seen harnesses on horses, and now he was made to work like a horse… (lines 33, 34), what happened
a) Buck saw harnesses on horses
b) Buck was made to work like a horse
7. Choose the sentence you think is correct:
Yellow highlighted words are past tense forms of verbs
Yellow highlighted words are past perfect tense forms of verbs
Yellow highlighted words are 3rd person pronouns
Green highlighted words are past tense forms of verbs
Green highlighted words are past perfect tense forms of verbs
Green highlighted words are 3rd person pronouns
Blue highlighted words are past tense forms of verbs
Blue highlighted words are past perfect tense forms of verbs
Blue highlighted words are 3rd person pronouns
Copyright ©
2017 Ismet Cavusoglu *Reading text and questions were adopted from a research by Paulo Quaglio.
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