PhiIotaAlphaCortland Colony

Welcome to the home page of the brothers of Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity Inc. Cortland Colony. Recognized August 1, 2010 and founded November 2011, By 4 Young Gentlemen (1. Jose R. Valdez, 2. Omar Vivas, 3. Gustavo Santiago, 4. Jonathan Rodriguez) These four Gentlemen brought the organization to Cortland because they saw a need for another organization that would help educate the campus about the Latino Culture, and help meet the needs of Latino students. They fought hard but eventually they were successful in establishing the organization in Cortland.

Cortland Brothers Interested History Nationals Website Who we are Our Beliefs Our mission


Who We Are

Cortland PhiotasPhi Iota ALphaphiotas


Our Beliefs

Membership in Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity is a life-long commitment to the Latin American culture. It involves intellectual development,  cultural consciousness, personal growth, personal achievement and social awareness.

Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity believes that the  Latin  American  community here in the United    States and in the Latin American countries  are in need of new sources of intellectual capital to identify, address and  solve the difficult challenges they face. Therefore, it is dedicated to  developing in its members an awareness of the common values and traditions of  the nations of Latin America and to preparing  them to become active participants in the process of advancing the social and  economic conditions of all Latin Americans.latin america

Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity strongly encourages scholarship through the pursuit of undergraduate degrees, advanced degrees, and the attainment of professional credentials that strengthen its individual members. However, it also guides them to craft a new vision that moves beyond the attainment of personal and professional goals, so that they may contribute to the larger good of the community through individual acts and deeds.

The most distinguishing feature of Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity is that it instills in its members a Global Latino perspective. This is an orientation that transcends the existing national boundaries that have separated Latin America. It builds on the spirit and traditions of Pan-Americanism, and supports and promotes actions leading to an eventual unification of all the countries of Latin America.

Our Mission

Our Vision

La Unión De La Patria Latino Americana

Webpage Created by Jose Rafael Valdez

Email Me Jose R. Valdez