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Project #8:Technolgy Reflection 
                Throughout the semester I have grown as a technology user, this course has helped me to develop a more confident sense of my technological self.  This class has helped me learn how to create a comprehensive website that I can present information about myself or a scholastic resource.  As can be seen in my individual project annotations I was fairly comfortable with the programs that I used, but through this class I was introduced to some little nuances that previously I didn’t know and also some hot keys.  Even though I was familiar with the programs I used I often found myself getting frustrated non-the-less , but then when I would finish a project I would feel a great sense of relief and pride. As soon as I was able to work through and past my issues I was able to find many different ways to bring technology into my future classroom

         A lot of my frustrations were centered around Nvu, creating a website that was organized and had  everything in the right place drove me insane.  Also since I decided to add more personal touches I had to figure out the size of  a regular page, because how things were organized on the Nvu program didn’t always look the same when I loaded it to the internet.  For example being able to match colors in my Nvu site to the paint image I decided to load and also overlapping multiple images on one page and having the pieces I needed on top and not hidden. Since I decided to add a more customized touches the program crashed on me more than I would like to say, but that is because I was working on the edge of the programs limits. But now that I am finished I am very happy with my project and I want to show it off to everyone.

Some of the things that I was really happy and felt accomplished with came from the screen shots. For as long as I can remember I saw the key “print screen” on my computer and never new how to use it. Learning how to take a shot of my screen was by far one of the most interesting things I used. This is something that I will definitely use again when helping to create tutorials or how to-s for other programs.

I love integration of different classes and subjects, and for that reason this class has given me a strong base of knowledge that I can bring into the classroom not only for myself but also for the students. This integration goes far beyond just the web quest but I can see myself creating a website for my students to frequent and use as an additional resources.  After going through this class I also feel fairly comfortable to help future students when they are using technology in my class.  Now I can teach the technology I have learned in my class in the future.  I have learned a lot about not only internet technology but also how to help student’s create wonderful projects using word or publisher.

Now at the end of the course I feel more than prepared for my future as a classroom teacher using new and up and coming technology as a resource to learn and expand my future student’s learning. I now know how to work around my and other’s frustrations to help create a wonderful projects using the computer as a base.