Art and the internet projects

These three projects, along with this websight itself, is an accumulation of what I have done for ATS 342 (Art and the Internet). I came into this course knowing little to nothing about HTML or Dreamweaver. I've learend a lot over the course of the semester, and will continue to use this knowledge to grow in my field and personal achievement.

class site

Flash Fiction

This project is an text oriented project, telling the story of a flash ficiton piece of our choosing from


click here

Parody websight

For this project, the class picked a websight to parody. The object was to give your opinion about the webisght/company chosen but make it look just like the origional webisght. I chose Aborcrombie and Fitch.

click here

Flash memory

For our third and final project, we worked in Flash as well as Dreamweaver to create a "flash memory" or a quick memory that you have from your past. I chose how I came to recieve my stuffed animal bear when I was in kindergarden.
click here