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Project # 3

      For this project we utilized the puzzlemaker tool at http://www.DiscoverySchool.com to create our own puzzle.  The purpose of this project was not only to learn how to make a puzzle for students, but to understand that puzzles are a motivating and entertaining way to promote learning.  First, we chose a vocabulary list from the DiscoverySchool website.  I decided to design a puzzle with Valentine's Day vocabulary.  Next, I filled out the option tabs with the puzzlemaker to finalize my word search.  Then, I copy and pasted my puzzle into Microsoft Word.  I added a border, centered my words and put them into columns to organize the words.  I used Print Screen to catch an image of the file, cropped it using MS Paint and saved it as a .jpeg.  Finally, I inserted the image of my puzzle onto my page, and linked it to the Microsoft Word document of my puzzle.