Balanced Living

True Life: your teeth might end up like this


Sugar is not the only harmful substance in soda that affects dental health. A 2006 study published in the Academy of General Dentistry journal found that drinking soda is nearly as harmful for your teeth as drinking battery acid. That’s because soda actually contains acid (most commonly citric and/or phosphoric), which corrodes tooth enamel. And with a pH of 3.2, diet sodas are even more acidic than regular sodas.

According to the Colgate Oral and Dental Health Resource Center, soft drinks are among the most significant dietary sources of tooth decay. “Acids and acidic sugar byproducts in soft drinks soften tooth enamel, contributing to the formation of cavities. In extreme cases, softer enamel combined with improper brushing, grinding of the teeth or other conditions can lead to tooth loss.”



A smart choice is an informed choice. And when it's easy to make informed choices-and balance those choices with an active lifestyle, you're on your way to a healthier life.

In September 2009, we were the first beverage company to commit to front-of-pack energy labeling globally on nearly all our packaging by the end of 2011, and we have met this target.

The Clear on Calories program builds on our commitment by partnering with the American Beverage Association to create a unified look for the new labels, and by expanding the initiative to include company-controlled vending machines and fountain equipment.

This way, you'll know exactly how many calories are in a beverage before making a purchase- whether at a store, or using one of our vending machines or fountain machines-making it easier for you to make informed choices that complement your active, healthy lifestyle.


In support of initiatives to promote active, healthy lifestyles and combat obesity, we have developed a vending machine program that provides clear calorie information, encourages lower-calorie beverage choices, and reminds consumers that "calories count" in all the choices they make. The Calories Count vending program is part of the beverage industry's commitment to providing more low-/no-calorie product choices and clearer calorie information, making it easier for consumers to choose beverages that are right for them and their families.


In February 2010, the beverage industry announced the Clear on Calories program in support of First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move!" campaign. The first step was placing a calorie label on the front of our cans, bottles, and packages, which we completed in 2011. The Calories Count vending program, described below, expands on our efforts by providing calorie information on beverage vending machines, encouraging lower-calorie beverage choices, and raising awareness of the importance of calorie balance and being active.

Under the Calories Count vending program, we will work with government leaders, food service operators, vending companies, and other customers to:

  • Increase availability of lower-calorie beverages in vending machines
  • Add calorie labels to selection buttons on beverage vending machines to show calorie counts per beverage container

A smart choice is an informed choice. And when it's easy to make informed choices-and balance those choices with an active lifestyle, you're on your way to a healthier life.

In September 2009, we were the first beverage company to commit to front-of-pack energy labeling globally on nearly all our packaging by the end of 2011, and we have met this target.

The Clear on Calories program builds on our commitment by partnering with the American Beverage Association to create a unified look for the new labels, and by expanding the initiative to include company-controlled vending machines and fountain equipment.

This way, you'll know exactly how many calories are in a beverage before making a purchase- whether at a store, or using one of our vending machines or fountain machines-making it easier for you to make informed choices that complement your active, healthy lifestyle.


In support of initiatives to promote active, healthy lifestyles and combat obesity, we have developed a vending machine program that provides clear calorie information, encourages lower-calorie beverage choices, and reminds consumers that "calories count" in all the choices they make. The Calories Count vending program is part of the beverage industry's commitment to providing more low-/no-calorie product choices and clearer calorie information, making it easier for consumers to choose beverages that are right for them and their families.


In February 2010, the beverage industry announced the Clear on Calories program in support of First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move!" campaign. The first step was placing a calorie label on the front of our cans, bottles, and packages, which we completed in 2011. The Calories Count vending program, described below, expands on our efforts by providing calorie information on beverage vending machines, encouraging lower-calorie beverage choices, and raising awareness of the importance of calorie balance and being active.

Under the Calories Count vending program, we will work with government leaders, food service operators, vending companies, and other customers to:

  • Increase availability of lower-calorie beverages in vending machines
  • Add calorie labels to selection buttons on beverage vending machines to show calorie counts per beverage container