The Aleutian Islands



Letter of Introduction

Welcome to our webpage! Below is each of our pictures along with a little information about ourselves.

Hi! My name is Nicole Woessner and I am a third grade teacher on the Aleutian Islands.  The Aleutian islands are a chain of islands off of Alaska that seperate the Bering Sea from the main portion of the Pacific Ocean.  I am originally from Long Island New York, so living here is a big change.  Since we are living on islands the people are very involved in fishing.  Growing up I learned how to fish but never liked it very much.  Now I love it!  The Aleuts passion for fishing has definitely  brushed off on me.  The most intersting fact about this place is that there are barely any trees!!!  Isn't that amazing?  The
rain is heavy often but I am growing to like these islands more and more!  I would definitely recommend visiting here!

Hello! My name is Katrina and I am a teacher here on the Aleutian Islands.  This is a beautiful place to live.  I will admit the rainfall is unbelievable and at times can get annoying but you learn to live with it.  I have lived here my whole life and I speak Aleut language, that is one of the two branches of language in this region.  I am married and have two children.  My husband is a fisherman, which is what most of our economy is based on.  In my spare time I enjoy fishing as well.  That was how I grew up.  My father was a great fisherman. While my mother stayed home with me and my four other siblings. My family and I really enjoy living here.  I love my class room and the students that I teach!

My name is Kirsten Marecek and I live on the Aleutian Islands.  I have been a teacher for eleven years and I teach second grade at our local school.  I have lived on the islands my entire life and I would never think of leaving.  Our scenery is breathtaking and life is usually peaceful and relaxing.  I live with my husband Jack and our three children Chloe, Tom, and Maggie.  Jack makes a living as a fisherman, as do most of the people in our village.  As a family we often go fishing together on the weekends to keep him company.  I wish more people knew about our home because even though it is perfect to us, many people are slowly trying to change it, and often times it is not for the best.  Our family and friends have been involved in trying to help some of these problems and are determined to keep our home just as beautiful for generations to come.

Hi! My name is Aliza and I am a first grade teacher on the Aleutian Islands.  I moved here about four months ago from the United States, and so far I am really enjoying living here!  Although moving was a big change for me, I think it was a good decision.  I am only now just getting used to the cooler temperatures all year round!  I have learned so much about living in a place that is so different than where I grew up.  I had only been fishing once before arriving here,  but now I fish often in my spare time.  I have met so many wonderful Aleuts here and everyone has been so kind and welcoming.  If you have never been to the Aleutian Islands I recommend stopping by.  I really enjoy this beautiful scenery and the experiences that I have had here so far have been so influential to my life.