Product 3: Microsoft Word Activities


Technology Projects


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Wordart Acrostic

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NETS for Teachers: Teachers use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.

Reflection: Acrostics are fun poems at all ages. Using Microsoft Word to create acrostics can be an interactive way for students to learn about poems. Providing students with a list of adjectives and a thesaurus will assist in expanding the students’ vocabulary and writing skills. After students create an acrostic, they could write each adjective in a sentence as a way to remember the meaning for future use in their writing.


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NETS for Teachers: Teachers use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.

Reflection: Rebuses are great for students who do not speak English as their first language. As a teacher, I could use graphics within the document to make the piece easier for students to understand. This would allow students to look at a picture of an object and understand instead of struggling with a word they are not familiar with. Students may also find this fun to do as an activity for their friends to figure out. It could be used as a decoding assignment also.

Trading Cards

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NETS for Teachers: Teachers use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.

Reflection: This feature in Microsoft Word could be very usefull at many grade levels. Students could edit and review their peers work right on the computer by tracking the changes they make. Teachers could also use this in correcting students work by documenting the changes and corrections. Sometimes a teacher may reqquire a student to show the corrections/additions to a written piece and by using the Tracking Feature a student can accurately show the revisions.


Tracking Changes in Microsoft Word

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NETS for Teachers: Teachers use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.

Reflection: This feature in Microsoft Word could be very usefull at many grade levels. Students could edit and review their peers work right on the computer by tracking the changes they make. Teachers could also use this in correcting students work by documenting the changes and corrections. Sometimes a teacher may reqquire a student to show the corrections/additions to a written piece and by using the Tracking Feature a student can accurately show the revisions.

Copyright @ Jeannette Mitchell 2007