Project 2: An Introduction to the Simple Past Tense of Regular Verbs

Objectives: Students will be able to correctly identify and recognize the simple past tense of regular English verbs.
Students will be able to write sentences using the simple past tense of regular English verbs.

-The simple past tense of regular verbs is really important to understand if you want to speak English in a way to be understood.  These kinds of verbs are a little easier to understand because they are....Regular!!! 

-This means that the rules that control the verbs are going to be the same for each verb that we will look at in this project.

-In this project, we are going to.....(click on these links to access the pages)
  1. Listen to some native speakers use the simple past tense of regular verbs, identify these verbs, and write them.
  2. Write your own sentences that use the simple past tense of the verbs.
  3. Take a short quiz about the simple past tense to show how much you have learned!
