Ways to Improve Your Reading Skills

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#1. Read EVERY DAY! #6.  Retell the story in your own words to someone else
#2. Read books you enjoy #7. Play word games! How many rhyming words can you think of? Or, pick a word, change one sound, how many new words can you make? Or, choose a big word, how many little words can you make with the letters from the long word?
#3. Re-read books you have already read #8. When you come across a new word and you don't know what it means, try to use the words around it to figure out what it means. Or, look it up in the dictionary.
#4. Time yourself: See how many words you can read in one minute. Keep a chart of all your scores.  Each time you read, try to beat your previous score! #9. Draw a picture of your favorite part in the story...does it match all of the details?
#5. Ask yourself questions: What is the setting? Who are the main characters? What is the problem that needs to be solved? #10. When you encounter a large word, try to chunk it into smaller, easier to read pieces!

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