Project # 8

    It is now th end of the semester and my projects are mostly complete.  Looking back on EDU 314 I consider everything that I thought I knew about computers and realize how little I actually knew.  As a result of this class my computer knowledge has grown considerably.  Prior to taking this course I had no idea even how to begin on creating a website, let alone publish it, create links, etc.  I am pretty comfortable creating just a basic web design, just don't ask me to do anything fancy or technical yet.  

    There were many important things that we learned in this class that will benefit me when I become a teacher.  First and foremost is creating a webpage; creating the webquest project, creating the photostory, and using Microsoft Publisher were the most important learning experiences in this course.  I believe that this course will definitely help me in the future when I become a teacher because it has shown me a multitude of creative ways that I can teach my students.  

    Throughout this class I have encountered many experiences that were both frustrating and exciting.  I found myself getting frustrated when I had a difficult time getting the programs to do what I wanted, which was often.  The most exciting thing for me was when we were able to do the digital photo story on any topic we wanted.  After I figured out how to get everything to work properly and the timing correct, it turned out to be my favorite project.  

    I prefer to work individually instead of small groups, mostly because I do not like having to rely on other people to get the grade I want.  I find it difficult to willingly divide the work load because I am concerned that the other people will not do the work to my standards.  For the webquest assignment, working with Ashley was great because she and I understand one another and we collaborated together on every aspect, except for the overall design , which we did individually.  I think that some projects are done better as a group, while others are better done individually.  Group work is important for children to be able to do because it allows them to get to know their classmates better and also provides them with a different perspective on how to figure out a problem.  

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