Extension: Can you Find It?
Can You Find It?

Now that you have had some practice in locating the states on a map, let's use the prepositions of place you have learned to locate other things in a picture.
I am located between the apple and the star.
I am the _________.  

hand scissors tree star sun apple 

You will find me below the butterfly.
I am the _________.  

hand scissors tree star sun apple 

I am to the right of the sun.
I am the__________.  

heart butterfly tree star hand apple 

You will find me above the tree.
I am the _________.

tree scissors hand star triangle apple 

I am to the left of the scissors.
I am the _________.

hand triangle tree star heart apple 

Silhouettes of a tree, butterfly,hand,star, sun and heart

Table of Contents
Lesson Objectives Our State & Our Country
Prepositions Where is that State?
Test Yourself Resources