Reading the text and looking closer at the grammatical feature

Click on the picture of the book to read the story, Tumbleweed Stew by Susan Stevens Crummel in a PDF file.


Click here to read the story on the webpage. This version is connected to the glossary.

The genre of this text is
Answer: fiction

Look at the bold words in the story. All of the bold words are 
Answer: verbs

A lot of the time in fiction stories, the author uses the past tense.
The past tense means that the story is told
Answer: before the present time

To create a simple past tense verb, you must add what ending to the verb
Answer: -ed

So now we know that

        verb + -ed = simple past tense

Floated, trotted, scampered and slithered are examples of what types of verbs.

Answer: action
