What's New? No News!  

This is a dialogue, two people are talking.  It is based upon an old joke. One person (Jack) says there is no news but the other person (Russell) discovers there is really alot of news and it is all bad news!!              

there were two boys named Russell and Jack who went to school together and were friends.  They met in the town park on Saturdays.  

One Saturday,  Russell said to Jack, "What's new?"

Jack replied, "Nothing much except, my cat died."house on fire

Russell said, "That's sad.  How did your cat die?"

Jack answered,  "He ate a burned hamster."

Russell asked, "Why did he eat a burned hamster?"

Jack told him, "Because my sister's hamster burned up in the fire and when everything cooled down, the cat ate the hamster."

Russell was surprised, "There was a fire?"

Jack said, "Oh yes, the hamster cage was next to the kitchen curtains when they were on fire."

Russell asked, "But why were the curtains on fire?"

Jack replied, "The flames jumped to the curtains from the kitchen cabinets."

Russell asked again, "Why did the cabinets catch on fire?"

Jack answered, "The kitchen caught on fire after the dining room burned."

Russell said, "What?  Your dining room burned?  Did your whole house burn down?"

Jack replied, "Yes, the house burned down because it was next to the school."

Russell asked, "Was the school on fire?"

Jack said, "You didn't know that?  The school burned yesterday!"

Russell asked again, "Well how did the school catch on fire?"

Jack answered, "The woodchips burned and caught the playground on fire and then that made the school catch on fire."

Russell was amazed, "Do you mean the school and the playground are both gone?"

Jack said, "Yes.  Some Boy Scouts were practicing fire safety on the playground and I guess it got out of hand."

Russell said, "So there is no school on Monday?"

Jack replied, "That's right, but other than that, nothing is new."  

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