El arte

El proyecto:

Vamos a explorar artistas hispancas.  Escoge un artista o una artista que te gusta. Necesita información interesante de la vida de tu artista y también necesita dos fotos; una foto del artista y también una foto de una obra del artista.  Usa esta página de web, aquí.

**Please remember to cite your information and/or provide a link to your source.**

El/La Artista
Información Interesante
Una Obra
Nombre del
Frida Khalo
Frida Khalo was a mexican artist who was born in 1907.  Frida created her work based on her life experiences, and found therapy in painting.  She created over 200 works of art in her lifetime.  She married Diego Rivera who was a hispanic muralist.  She died in 1954, at the young age of 47.

Señorita Knecht

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Students will be able to recognize and describe famous hispanic artists and the influences on their works of art.