5: Microsoft Office Excel
Click Above NETS Standards for Teachers: design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners. NETS Standards for Students: Students use productivity tools
to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare publications,
and produce other creative works. Pictographs are great educational tools that appeal particularly to the visual learners in your classroom. Using images found on, I was able to create a colorful snapshot of everyone's favorite snack. Pictographs can be altered for age-appropriateness. There are also other types of graphs to choose from in Excel. Try it! It's easy. ______________________________________________________________ Mail Merge Documents (WORD and Excel) NETS Standards for Teachers: use technology resources to collect
and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve
instructional practice and maximize student learning; use technology
to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community
in order to nurture student learning. Using the Mail Merge function in MSWord, I was able to combine two files (1 from WORD and 1 from Excel) in order to create a quick and easy assesment tool for the entire classroom. Using the letter template displayed above, along with the class gradebook (also above) stored in Excel, it takes one click to create a number of personalized progress reports in seconds. What an awesome time-saving tool! ________________________________________________________________ Grade Roster NETS Standards for Teachers: use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning. There are a variety of reasons for using Excel for grading. Using Excel you can: organize data in alphabetical or numeric order, perform numerous mathematical functions including addition and averages, apply custom sorting features to organize your information anyway that you like. A grade roster via Excel keeps results organized and makes assessment less tedious. |
Copyright @ Louis Pelino
2006 |