Co construct words

Based on what you learned about prepositional phrases in the Attention section, answer the following questions:

1. A prepositional phrase shows the relationship between its  and another word in the sentence.

2. A prepositional phrase must always have a(n) 

3. A prepositional phrase starts with a(n)   
, ends with a(n) 
  , and may have     between the preposition and object of the preposition.

4. A prepositional phrase may be used as an adjective telling      or      and modifying a      or    .

Choose the correct preposition for each sentence:

5. When I arrived, I was whisked __________ the meeting. 

to  of  in  at  into  within 
Answer: into

6. She was so frustrated that she wanted __________ scream. 
to  of  in  at  into  within
Answer: to

7. The girl left her book bag __________ the classroom. 
into  on  in  at  to 
Answer: in

8. There were ten books __________ the table. 
into  on  in  at  to 
Answer: on

9. My favorite nursery rhyme is "The Cow Jumped __________ the Moon." 

Under  Outside  Near  Behind  Over 
Answer: Over

Pick out the adjective prepositional phrases in these sentences and tell what they modify.

10. The book on the table in the English classroom is Barbara's book.

11. The girl in the neighboring house plays the flute every night.

12. Large blocks of the hardest granite formed the walls of the new building.

13. The roads of ancient Rome connected the cities of the empire.

14. I know that man in the gray suit and the suede shoes.

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10. on the table modifies "book"/ in the English classroom modifies "table"

11. in the neighboring house modifies "girl"

12. of the hardest granite modifies "blocks"/ of the new building modifies "walls"

13. of ancient Rome modifies "roads"/ of the empire modifies "cities"

14. in the gray suit and the suede shoes modifies "man"