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Now that you have more knowledge about the use of prepositional phrases, please write a paragraph about a favorite holiday song from your country. (You may refer back to any section, if needed.) When completed, print your paragraph and turn it into Mrs. Lunder.

Answer at least three of the following questions:
             1. What holiday does the song represent?
             2. The song originates from what country?

             3. Who is the singer? The singer comes from what country?
             4. Why is this your favorite song?
             5. What do the lyrics (words) mean to you?
             6. Does the song make you feel happy? Melancholy? Joyful? Reminiscent?

The paragraph should contain:
            1. a topic sentence
            2. at least two main points
            3. at least two supporting sentences for each main point
            4. a concluding sentence
            5. at least eight (8) prepositional phrases


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