Low Elements
The low course elements are built from one to six feet off the ground.
These elements focus on teambuilding, communication, problem-solving, leadership, and trust.
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All Aboard
Bird's Nest
Hour Glass
All Aboard Bird's Nest Hourglass
The object of this element is to get your entire
group onto one tiny platform without falling off.

The object of this element is to get your entire
group up into the net without going through the same opening more than once.
This element is often a part of a series of elements.
Make your way across the two crossed ropes to get to the other side.
Nitro Crossing
Swinging Tires
Nitro Crossing Porthole/Rebirth Swinging Tires
The object of this element is to get your entire
group from the "solid ground" to the board on the other side by swinging across a dangling rope.
The object of this element is to get your entire
group to the other side by going through the "porthole" (without touching the outside of the tire).
The object of this element is to get your entire
group to the other side without touching the ground by crossing through the swinging tires.
Queen's Finger
Team Wall
Track Walk Queen's Finger The Wall
The object of this element is to get your entire
group to the end of the boards.  Unfortunately, none of the boards start in tact.
The object of this element is to get the tire off of the telephone pole.  All members of the group must remain touching the pole at all times. The object of this element is to get your entire
group safely over the wall.
Whale Watch
Swinging Log
Wild Woozy
Whale Watch Swinging Log Wild Woosey
The object of this element is to get your entire group on the seesaw balance without letting it touch the ground. There can be a number of different objectives to this element.  Help your team cross the log without falling off, safely reaching the other side. The object of this element is to get you and your partner down the broadening cables only using each other to get there.

Some other low elements include:

    Fidget Ladder

    Hickory Jump   
    Mohawk Walk
    Mountain Tops
    Suspended Log
    T.P. Shuffle
    Triangle Traverse
    Trust Fall
    Trolley Skiis
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Check out this page for more diagrams of low elements.