¿Qué pasó durante los años 1944 hasta 1996?
una cronología:
- 4 julio 1944: Dictator Jorge Ubico Castañeda forced to resign his office
- 20 octubre 1944: Major Francisco Javier Arana and Captain Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán leads coup d'état
- The country is placed under a military junta
- Juan José Arévalo Bermejo is democratically elected president
- 1954: Jacobo Arbenz (the successor or Arévalo) is overthrown by the U.S. CIA
- !954: Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas is installed as president
- 1957: Armas is assassinated by a member of his personal guard
- The following election General Miguel Ydígoras Fuentes assumes power
- 1961: Ydígoras helps the U.S. with the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion
- 1963: Ydígoras ousted by his Defense Minister Colonel Enrique Peralta Azurdia
- 1963: Guerrilla insurgency movement begins (MR-13)
- Many parties split from MR-13 ( FAR, PGT), Death Squads formed
- 1966: Julio César Méndez Montenegro elected president
- U.S. gets involved with aid, training, military support
- 1966-1970 parties start to disintegrate from Guatemalan Army operations
- 1970: Colonel Carlos Manuel Arana Osorio elected president
- 1972: Guerrilla movement from Mexico enters Guatemala
- 1974: General Kjell Lauguerud García gains power through a disputed election
- 1978: General Romero Lucas García summes power (fraudulently)
- 1970's: start and rising power of two new guerrilla parties, the EGP (poor guerrilla army) and ORPA (organization of the peoples in arms)
- 1979: Jimmy Carter bans all military aid to Guatemala
- Isreali government assumes aid for Guatemala
- 1980: Quiché Indians take over Spanish Embassy
- 1982: General Efraín Ríos Montt named president of military junta
- General Oscar Humberto Mejía Victores overthrows Montt
- 1986: Free election won by Vinicio Cerezo Arévalo (Christian Democracy Party)
- 1982: EGP, ORPA, FAR, PGT join together and form URNG
- Many flee to Mexico
- 1996: Bloodshed ends and the repression is solved by a peace accord between the guerrillas and the government under president Alvaro Arzú (negotiated by the United Nations)
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