Vocabulary & Activity child at desk


Before you do the Listening Activity, look at the vocabulary words below.  Click on them to hear how they are pronounced.  Then read the defintions.

  • publicnot private; open to or concerning the people as a whole.
  • school-sponseredschool assumes responsibility for.
  • dilemma : state of uncertainty
  • offend: cause to feel resentment.
  • incorporated : to make part of a whole.
  • inflammatory : arousing to action or rebellion.
(definitions taken from: http://www.definitions.net/)
Listening Activity

1.  Watch the news clip.

2. Now that you have watched the news clip once.  Listen to it again, but this time, when you hear the vocabulary spoken, fill it into the correct sentence.

*(This worksheet will be handed out in class, but can also be found by clicking this link)

3. You will now listen to the news clip for a third time.  Before you do, read over these questions.  Do not answer them yet.

---> What is the main idea of this article?
--->How do the parents feel about this student's poster?
--->How does the student feel about her poster?

4. Listen to the news clip for the third time.  After you have finished, answer the questions above on a sheet of lined paper.

5. For class discussion tomorrow, consider the following questions.  Write your answers for each of them on a sheet of lined paper and bring them to class tomorrow.

A. What is the

cultural product



discussed in this article?

B. Think about Darlene Mull's response below.

"It [the poster] does not insult anyone, um, again it is not inflammatory and it's not what we call, or what the law calls, school sponsered speech".

--> Why might the student's poster be okay?
(for a hint, check out What is written in the Constitution page)
--> Why do some of the parents still feel uneasy about the poster?
-->Why might the poster insult someone?

C. Compare/contrast how religion is treated in your country to how it is treated in the United States.
person thinking

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What is written in the Constitution?