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  1. Nicole Shares Her Diet Secrets

LAST UPDATE: Tuesday March 22, 2011 11:10AM EDT

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Nicole Richie Shares Her Excercise and Diet Tips

Tuesday March 22, 2011 10:35 AM EDT

nicole anorexic

Nicole Richie Looking Physically Fit

Larry Busacca/Getty

We all have wondered: 'What do stars like Nicole Richie do to stay looking so fit and healthy?' Here, Nicole dishes on her diet tips as well as her excercise routine.


"In the morning, I wake up and for breakfast I eat 1/8th of an apple, or two grapes. That's a surprisingly energizing way to start my day" She tells People. "After breakfast, I do two hours of cardio, to burn off breakfast, and then it's lunch time." Hey lunch consists of a celery stick, and water. After that she does another hour and a half of cardio. Dinner is usually a salad with nothing on it. After dinner she does two hours of pilates. She does this regemine seven days a week.


"It's like really easy to work out and eat like me." She told People. "A little discipline is all it takes." She also wanted us to address the fact that she is absolutely NOT anorexic, and just inherited really good genes from her parents, and is thankful for that.

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