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Why can't humans and dinosuars co-exist?.

1. Environmental differences:
The environment that we are used to living in would not be very good for the the
 dinosaurs. our houses are too close together for dinosaurs to be able to move
 around freely and safely, for both their safety and ours!

The dinosaurs had the ability to roam freely in an environment free of man made structures.

2. Resource Sharing
The dinosaurs lived off of the land, unable to grow their own crops or raise their own herds. Today, the dinosaurs would be in trouble due to how few natural resources there are. People take so much from nature, would they be able to limit their intake so the dinosaurs would not become extinct again?

3. Safety
Though most of the dinosaurs relied on plant life for their diet, there were still many dinosaurs that relied on meat sources. this would be a problem for human life because we would no longer be at the top of the food chain. There are animals on the planet that eat meat, of course, but humans have the means of protecting themselves against these animals if necessary. if a t-rex was chasing a person down the street, there would be little, if anything, that person could do to protect themselves.