Sedona is a beautiful and scenic town with an elevation of about 4500 feet. Sedona is built on a bed of redwall limestone
that was deposited by a shallow tropical sea about 330 million years ago.
The geological formations, known as Red Rock formations, are made from limestone, which is usually a grayish color.
The limestone in Sedona is red because it has been stained by oxidized iron deposits.
These deposits coat the limestone and a rusty red color results.

Red Rock Formations
Cathedral Rock

Cathedral Rock in the distance.
cathedral rock
At a different angle contrasting with more green.
cathedral rock - up close
Cathedral Rock up close.
Chapel of the Holy Cross
         Chapel of the Holy Cross        
Interior Views of the Chapel
chapel interiorchapel interior

Bell Rock 
Bell Rock


A vortex is a giant magnet of energy
-positively and negatively charged-

where the energetic lay lines of the earth's field converge.

vortex map

Sedona is also famous for its Vortexes.
Because there are 4 main energy vortexes in Sedona, it has long been known as spiritual power center.
These vortexes often inspire people to visit Sedona when embarking on a spiritual journey.
Courthouse Rock
Downtown Sedona
downtown Sedona

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