Our Family and Friends Deserted On the Gobi .....

Title Page of Web Inquiry


Friends & Family

Our Home

Our Biome

The Problem

What Can Be Done?


Since we have been living here in the Gobi Desert, we have met many people and creatures who we consider our family and friends. These people have helped us survive and adapt to the environment. Without them we wouldn't be complete. We work as a team and keep one another strong! We rely on one another for security.  

Meet the team!

This is our friend
Daïna ....She loves riding on the camels!

These are three of our favorite people....It is mother Mangu and our brothers Nasan and Tilik....   

These are our camel friends...They take us for rides around the desert!

This is Mamay...She makes lots of wonderful food for us to eat!! We love her cooking!!

This is sweet Shria and our friend horse named Russel...Shria loves to tell us stories!!

These are our Sheep friends...We use their wool to keeps us warm at night!!

This is Grandpa Khaidu and cute baby Tuli! They are loveable!!!
