Welcome to the Gobi  Desert

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The Problem

What Can Be Done?


Solution-What Can Be Done?

Click on the following site to find more information about overgrazing and what can be done about it.  Gather the information and then click on the write to us link and e-mail us some suggestions about how to stop overgrazing.

Gobi Desert Solutions
There are no quick solutions to the problems.  Deserts can be reclaimed but first water supplies must be esablished.  Next, trees need to be planted to regulate the supply of water in the soil and to "fix" it in place.  Trees and water have to be carefully used, and people need education on how to get the best from their land without overexploitation.  

One solution to the desertification of the Gobi Desert in Mongolia is
in regards to overgrazing.  It is important that young trees are fenced off to prevent grazing by animals.

The free grazing of animals has to be stopped.  For nomadic people, this can mean settling down on a piece of land and giving up their previous existence.