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     A major environmental problem related to the Gobi Desert is the the migration of the Gobi Desert into liveable land areas. A major result of this migration is the desertification of these land areas. The term desertification means that a land that was once populated by humans, plants and animals has been turned into a desert as a result of a change in climate and/or damaging the land (i.e. damage done by animals grazing or machinery ruining the land).  There are some other environmental issues that occur as a result of the desertification of the Gobi Desert.  These issues include:

- Desertification has caused erosion of the soil and the loss of some plant coverage, which has allowed the Gobi Desert to begin to expand into China and other countries in Asia.

Another environmental problem that is caused by the Gobi Desert is that the dust and sandstorms in the desert have become more intense and have been blowing into parts of China and other countries in Asia.  These dust storms impare the visibility and air quality in areas of China when the dust from the desert is carried into the cities.  The reduction of air quality can lead to health problems, including respitory problems.
