Co-Construction of Adjectives

Why do you think adjectives are important?
First, we have to choose which word is the adjective in a sentence from the story "The Little Mermaid."

1. Ariel and Flounder explored  a sunken ship. 
The adjective is (sunken).
The adjective is letting the reader know the ship is not floating, but it is at the bottom of the ocean floor. 
The adjective is describing the ship. 

In this sentence there are two different adjectives.  Be Careful!
2.  Ariel and Flounder swam to the surface to find Scuttle, a silly seagull who claimed to know all about the human world.
The adjectives are silly and human. 
The adjective is letting the reader know the seagull is funny (silly) and  the world is (human) not the merfolk world. 
The adjective silly is describing the seagull and the adjective human is describing the world. 

Now it is your turn to practice with adjectives! Write the answers on a separate sheet of paper.

3.  The little mermaid's beautiful voice was captured in the seashell.

4.  The softhearted crab knew Ariel would be miserable without Eric,  so he promised to help her win the prince's heart. 
(Careful there are two adjectives!)

5. Meanwhile, Eric was on the palace balcony, wondering if he would ever find the mysterious girl with the beautiful voice. 
(Careful there are two adjectives!)

Title Page
Presentation of Characters and Adjectives
The Little Mermaid Story (Attention)
Co-Construction of Adjectives
Extension Activity
Objectives and Goals of the Lesson
Table of Contents