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So what can you do to help save my new home?  Lets find out!

Here are some links that will be helpful to you and your family and I provided an explanation of what can be found on each website! Enjoy!

1. What Can I Do?   This website is helpful is showing children what they and their families can do to help stop the destruction of the Amazon.  It is a friendly website that children can use.

2. Amazon: What You Can Do.     This is another helpful website to teach you what you can do to help save the my home, Amazon Rain forest.  It has some different facts from the other sites as in different ways to help.  This one is used with grades 5-6 so if you are in grades 1-4 you might need someone reading this one with you.

3. Kids! 10 Easy Ways YOU Can Help Save Rainforests.
  This is a nice website that tells you 10 fun and easy ways you can help save Rain forests in general.  The ways include having a bake sale and donating the money to organizations that conserve the rainforests to using less paper and recycling it.