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Student performance will be evaluated according to the following criteria.

0-4 points 5-10 points 11-15 points 16-20 points Score
Organization Very little organization of content is displayed.
Ideas are unclear and not easily understandable.
Diagrams are incomplete or confusing.
Information is somewhat organized.
Some ideas are unclear and not easily understandable.
Information and ideas do not connect well.
Information is organized.
Diagrams are complete.
Information connects together.
Information and ideas are well organized and interesting.
Diagrams are complete and concise.
Ideas connect and flow well together.
Use of Resources
and Technology
Unable to find resources or used invalid resources.
No citations of information were shown.
Unable to find information.
Few resources were used.
Information is limited.
Students struggled a bit, but a majority of the project is complete.
Several resources were used.
Information is accurate but out of date.
Many valid and reliable sources are used.
Proper citations are made.
Information is accurate and up to date.
Group Cooperation No cooperation within the group was shown.
Student was off task.
Worked together with the group.
Work was not evenly portioned between members.
Students had a hard time staying on task.
Worked well with others
Work was somewhat evenly portioned between group members.
All work is complete on time.
Worked well with others.
Contributed ideas to the group.
Project ran efficiently and smoothly.
Content Knowledge Student shows little to no understanding of content knowledge.
Student cannot answer questions about newly learned information.
Student shows some content knowledge.
Student can answer some questions about newly learned information.
Student shows good content knowledge.
Student can answer most questions about newly learned information.
Student is beginning to make connections to prior knowledge.
Student displays exemplary content knowledge.
Student can articulate and answer questions about newly learned information.
Student can make connections to prior knowledge.