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          Although global warming is a natural process, humans are just as much responsible for it as well. Increased amounts of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen, the burning of fossil fuels, agricultural, population, and land clearing are reasons that are believed to contribute greaItly to global warming. Therefore, if people respect the little things, such as walking to places instead of driving, carpooling, eating healthy, turning off lights and appliances when not in use, the planet will become a healthier environment. It is stupid to believe or ponder if global warming is happening. Global Warming is real. The evidence is there, the changes are occurring. One of the biggest problems in today’s society is apathy towards the environment we live in, due to the fact that these changes will occur over millions of years, and not been seen in our lifetime. However, if individuals and the government do not take action, the planet may reach its tipping point, in less than a few decades. Unfortunately, once this point is reached, it’s look late to turn around.

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