There are many ways that you can help Global Warming!





Futher Readings

Games & Activities


1)       Turn off the lights and other objects that use electricity when they are not in use

2)      Unplug appliances when they are not being used

3)      Only run your dishwasher when it is full

4)      Only use the washers and dryers when you have a full load of laundry to do

5)      Take shorter showers

6)      Keep the water heater on 120 degrees Fahrenheit or below

7)      Keep checking your thermostat in your house and wear heavier clothes in the winter so you can turn down the heat 2 degrees.  This can also be done in the summer, just do the opposite of wearing more clothes.

8)       Keep the tires on cars inflated

9)      Purchase local produce

10)   Carpool as much as you can

11)   Do not let your car run for more than 10 seconds and if you have to just turn the car off.

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