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Unfortunately, global warming is becoming a significant issue that is continuously becoming a major problem in today’s society. This crisis involves an increase in the average temperature of Earth’s surface, as well as, in the oceans. For hundreds of years now, environmentalists and politicians have debated the question, “Is Global Warming actually occurring?” As icebergs are slowly melting, and sea levels are beginning to rise, the answer is obvious. Yes, global warming is occurring, and yes, it is becoming a life-threatening dilemma. It is no longer a dispute of whether its happening or not, the question has become what can we do to cease this disaster that is unraveling right before our eyes. As the Earth continues to heat up, several changes will appear, impacting nearly all of biodiversity. If this dangerous issue is not taken seriously, this rapid changing environment can and will disrupt global food production, wildlife habitats, alter temperatures, and raise the average seal level in numerous parts of the world

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