
After you have solidified your skit, you will notify me of any props or clothes you will need for the skit. You will actually be putting the skit on for each other one month from now, and you will have about a half hour each day for the completion of the project.  You can also work on this project at home.
***Some important things to remember:

* The day of the skits, you will be putting the skit on for each other!
We will call this the Homelessness Luncheon.
* There will be a special lunch in the auditorium, and you will have some time to practice the day before the play and the day of the HL with your groups onstage. 
* After lunch there will be a famous person who has been homeless before to speak with us. We can ask them questions and hear their exciting story. However, no one will know who until the day of the skit! It's a surprise!
* Following this, we will have twenty minutes to digest our food, and look at all of the wonderful posters!
*We will close this project with our skits!

*********Now that you have completed this project, you are well on your way to actually helping the homeless! Now that you know the causes and the effects of homelessness, are you going to do something about it? Are you going to help out? This part is all up to you to make informed decisions as students in the United States!
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