The Process 
You the students will break up into groups of 2 by a random draw of names from a hat. Each group will read the book Ivy, Tale of a Homeless Girl in San Francisco, but it is not in the library! 

This book can be found at:

***Please enter the name of the book title in the search box in order to find the book.
Once again, the name of the book is  Ivy, Tale of a Homeless Girl in San Francisco.

A little about this book:

Ivy is a young girl whose father is an artist. He couldn't pay his rent, so he got evicted from his apartment, and now Ivy and her family is out on the streets!!
The Webquest assignment has 3 parts:

1. Your groups will each be assigned a chapter to read from the book listed above.
a. Read your chapter
b. Individually, write a paragraph about how you felt while reading the chapter, and your personal reaction to it. Your paragraph should have at least 5 sentences and be well written to get full points.
a.   Here are 10 questions for you to answer:

How did homelessness begin?Are there any occurrences of homelessness throughout history?

How many homeless people are there in the United States? Why is this number so hard to come by?

How many homeless are in the world?

Why are there homeless people?

Where are the homeless located? Are they just in one city, or across the world?

What are the causes of being homeless?

What can people to do not be homeless anymore?

How can we help the homeless population?

What do you think that being homeless feels like?

Are there any famous homeless people you can find on the Internet?

You will word process the answers (leave out the numbers) after you have finished writing them. Make sure that each answer is well written. But the catch is, you cannot read a book to find the answers. Look to the Internet for your answers. Be careful about your sites that you choose! Here are 5 helpful sites to which all the links are valid:

b. Make a poster (individually) any way you want with the word processed answers on them, include a title related to our topic (be creative) and make sure there are at least five pictures on it that relate to homelessness. I will then hang these posters up in the auditorium.
3. a. Work with another group in order to create a 7-10 minute skit in which you describe and discuss just one way you can help the homeless in the United States and beyond.
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