

Here is the evaluation checklist that I will give you the first day of the project, so that you fully understand what you need to do in order to complete the project correctly. There are eight parts. If you follow the directions exactly on the page, you will get full points! Be sure to do this, because I want all of you to do your best!
       *** IF you have any problems whatsoever, come to me, so we can work together to fix them! 
  • Poster is colorful and organized  (7 pts)  
  • Poster has at least two websites written on back  (5 pts ) 
  • All ten answers are on the poster (15 pts)  
  • All questions were thoughtfully answered, and are written in sentence form. There are at least five sentences for each question ( 25 pts) 
  • There are at least 5 pictures on your poster (8 pts) 
  • Your summary paragraph for the book is well written and fives your reaction to the chapter you read (20 pts)
  • Your skit is creative, and has one way to help the homeless (15 pts)  
  • You enjoyed your project! ( 5 pts) 
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