
I find these two pieces of art fascinating. They are not only mind boggling and interesting to look at, but must have taken a great deal of planning and "trial and error" to put pieces like this together. The premeditated thought process is something that I wish I had more of. (


This work of art, Guernica, by Pablo Picasso was introduced to me my senior year of high school. Picasso was inspired to create this work of art because of the bombing of the town Guernica in Northern Spain. The German bombs killed hundreds of civilians and became a major part of the Spanish Civil War. Oil Painting. 1937 (


These two works of art were also introduced to me in my senior year of high school. The first image is Saturn Devouring His Son, by Francisco Goya painted in 1820. Goya created this piece during his Black Period, where he was virtually deaf and living in depression. His paintings clearly depicted that. (

The second image is called Las Meninas, which means Maids in Waiting in Spanish. It depicts the family of Phillip IV, which was painted by Diego Rodriguez de Silva in 1656. I find it very interesting because Valazques painted himself into the portrait, making it seem as though he was viewing the scene through a mirror. (

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