Seeing Designer Jan Capek speak was a way to see how design and art play a huge role in everyday life. Jan said that he was able to take classes in high school that pertained to his passion and talent in art. I think that preparing students as early as possible is smart and efficient. In the Academy of Art and Design, Jan’s style came through in the things he designed. In my opinion, Jan had a very futuristic style. The chrome lamp that he designed was modern, simple, clean looking, and versatile. Designing the lamp so that it could open and close gave the buyers options and makes the product look more usable and realistic. Jan also stressed that when designing pieces you must take into consideration how easy the product is to manufacture. The item may look good and be ergonomically perfect but may also be too unrealistic to mass create.
On of Jan’s pieces that I really liked was the design of the sports drink bottle. The shape of the bottle and the detailing showed swiftness, speed, and movement which is closely related to sports. The bottle was modern and sport-like and was an awesome design for a sports drink. The other piece Jan designed was the washing machine. The machine was also modern looking, but most importantly made doing laundry extremely easy for the user. The simpler it is to do laundry, the more people would be willing to use and purchase this product.
The most important information that I received from Jan’s presentation was how much planning and thought needs to go into the product being designed. Jan stressed to us that the style of people is forever changing and that there is more than just the design aspect of creating a product. When dealing with big agencies, not everyone will know where you are coming from, so incorporating visuals is very important and efficient. It is also important to take into consideration the material being used, the cost, and the client’s needs and wants.