1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Look at the following adverbs, are they 'how' adverbs, 'when' adverbs or 'where' adverbs? Write each adverb in the correct box.

then outside soon when squiggly yesterday
here afterwards down there gently quickly
inside firmly lightly above lastly

'how' adverbs 'when' adverbs 'where' adverbs

Answer: 'how' adverbs: firmly, lightly, gently, quickly, squiggly; 'when' adverbs: then, afterwards, soon, when, lastly, yesterday; 'where' adverbs: here, inside, outside, down, there, above.

2. Look at the following sentences and fill the blanks with the verbs' appropriate form.

1) (add) two dots above the oval to make little piggy eyes.
2) Please (put) your bag under your chair.
3) (make) the bed after you get up.

3. Please change the following sentences into imperative sentences.

1) You should close the door after you come in.

Answer: Close the door after you come in.

2) You can draw a cute pig on the paper. 

Answer: Draw a cute pig on the paper.

3) You could put a hat on the snowman's head.

Answer: Put a hat on the snowman's head.