1 2 3 4 5 6

1. In this section, let's first review what you've learned by far. Try to finish the following exercises.

1) What type of writing you've learned today?
a. Non-fictional writing
b. Procedural writing
c. Descriptive writing
2) Could you name the three big grammartical features of the procedural writing?
They are , , and .
3) What type of the following adverbs are?
a. She cried so loudly that the baby was waken up.
b. I went to the hospital yesterday.
c. Do you want to see the view behind that mountain?
4) Which sentence below is the imperative sentence?
a. I like basketball.
b. Merry Christmas!
c. Turn on the light please.
5) In the above imperative sentence you chose, is the action verb.

Answer: 1.b; 2. adverb, action verb, imperative sentence; 3. how, when, where; 4. c; 5. turn

2. Choose one of the following topics you like and write its instructions.


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